lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018

Victorian child card

We saw some videos about the diarys of children in Victorian's times.So,we made a cart like if we were children of that time.We put a paper in a cup of tea so we obteined like a old paper.

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018

Little lighting

We read our book of myon called little lighting,then with santino,fayanas and Maria we made a comic in cavna of one part of the story,we selected the part when the gnommes told to Marie to stop her father.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018

The gosth of Mr.stocley

We made a video with santino,fayanas and Maria.I was the gosth,Maria recorded the video and santino and faya were brothers.


The breakes are the free time that children's have,and girls and boys share them,but there are some things that we should think when boys and girls share breakes.

On the one hand,it's good to have separate breakes because boys can hurt girls unintentionally or intentionally.Maybe parents feel more comfortable science boys and girls because they have differents likes so maybe they can hurt each other.Besides boys and girls can get distracted with love things.In addition boys and girls can be competitive with each other and they can get angry,we know that some kids aren't good with the others and that can be a problem.That's why I think is good that boys and girls be separated in breakes.

On the other hand,if boys and girls don't share moments,they can't know each other and that can be a problem,we know that some boys are funny and that can be great,if they know each other that can help their socialization,mutual respect and to be be good with the ones of the opposite sex.If they are together they have less space for discrimination,and become more tolerant with the others.And maybe learn things that the others like.

To conclude I think that Boys and girls have to be Together Because that helps to their sozialisation and the two genders are similar but with different likes.